A country I'd like to visit

Hi, what's up? Today I'm writing from my house and is a funny contradiction because today I've to write about travelling to another countries. This is a topic that I like very much because I always dream to travel and know the world, and I hope that I have the chance after finish my studies.
I'd like to know a lot of countries first I'd like to visit Latin America, I've always like the people, the traditions and culture that exist in South and Center America. I would like to go to Bolivia and know the andean and native traditions, taste the tipical food or go to Cuba and smoke to traditional tobacco or to cigar or go to Cuba and drink a coffee produced in and by people of the country, would be a honor for me and would make me very happy to enjoy the simply things that a country could offer. Also I'd like to go to study some years to another country but I dont know yet wich would be this country. For now, I dream with know countries creating a lot of beautiful moments for me and my family. 
I hope you enjoyed reading about this, best regards to everyone 😉 🚀


  1. i imagine you like Jirafale's teacher

  2. HI! A big contradiction when you can´t move!. I enjoyed you image.
    Get better!


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