My future job

Hi bloggers, What's new? 🐰

Today I'm going to write a topic that I wonder myself everyday: What I'm gonna do when I finish my career?, but the real and most important question is: What I want to do?,  I don't know it clearly but what I know is that I started Agriculture career with a posture; to look foward the sustai y un poco mandona nable food production, also improving the way agriculture affects enviroment, this is why I don't want to be a professional that work in base a recipes of agrochemicals or fertilizers, I want to hep people, specially the small farmers which sometimes don't have state help or financing; This can be do in several ways, the one i like it most is by sharing the knowledge with the farmers in a simpler way that they can easily understand. But I also love to study and learn increasingly, this is why I want postulate to a master the next year. I would like a job where I can help farmer or investigate things.
If I were asked in a job interview I would say that my strengths I'm responsible, learn fast, leader, work good in goups, like learning, respectful and sociable. And some of my weakness are that sometimes I'm stubborn an a little bossy. :(.
Best regards to everyone 😊


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