Environmental conflicts
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Today I'm gonna write about a topic that involves us all, environmental conflicts, they are conflicts traditionally induced by an environmental degradation, but they can manifest themselves as political, social, economic, ethnic, religious or territorial conflicts, conflicts over resources or national interests, or any other type of conflict. In Chile we have a lot to talk about this topic because the government management and state policies leaves a lot to be desired, and Chile is one of the top 5 countries with most environmental conflicts in the world, sad but true.
In the mark of looking information about environmental conflicts in Chile I found a book of the Human Rights National Institute (INDH), were you can look all the conflicts in chile untill 2012, there is 97 conflicts who involve vulneration human rights if the companies get their proyects off the ground. Some of this conflicts are mining project, contamination by heavy metals, thermoelectric or thermal power plants, illegal water extractions, industrial zones or areas of sacrifice, contaminations in general, animal production plants and many others.
The conflicts that I most remember and I think are the worst are in the Areas of sacrifice, they are those territories of human settlement devastated environmentally due to industrial development. This devastation has direct implications for the full exercise of the fundamental rights of the people; right to life, to health, to education, to work, to food, to housing, etc. In these territories, environmental damage has meant the situation of vulnerability and impoverishment of the communities., In chile there are 5 of this areas in Tocopilla, Mejillones (Region of Antofagasta), Huasco (Region of Atacama), Puchuncaví-Quintero (Region of Valparaíso) y Coronel (Region of Bío Bío).
I think it's very important that the legislation to be more strong with the companies and to be carefull and protect the people.
Thank you for reading, regards.
Link of the book: https://bibliotecadigital.indh.cl/bitstream/handle/123456789/478/mapa-conflictos.pdf?sequence=4
power to the people!!!